Kyo-Dophilus Pro+ Synbiotic |A Review

This year, I have been focusing on my One Little Word more than I ever have in the past: Breathe. To me, it's not just about mental health, which one may initially think. It is about a total wellness improvement to my approach on the world around me. I have know for years that supporting my gut health is known to be linked to an overall wellbeing, and I have leveraged probiotics in the past to focus on my care in that area. However, when I learn about Kyo-Dophilus Pro+ Synbiotic, I was intrigued to see how I felt before and after taking it.

Thank you, Kyo-Dophilus Pro+ Synbiotic, for sponsoring this post. I was selected for this opportunity by Kyo-Dophilus Pro+ Synbiotic with collaboration of Moms Meet; the content and opinions expressed here are all my own. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Like me, many of you are probably familiar with the term "probiotics"; yet, I was unfamiliar with “synbiotic” and I had not even heard the term before. I quickly learned that this is a term used for probiotics and prebiotics, which are combined to provide a synergistic beneficial effect in the microbiome. Probiotics are helpful bacteria found in some foods or supplements. Prebiotics are types of fiber that feed the friendly bacteria in the body’s digestive system.

The solely largest thing that hinders me from keeping consistent with my daily probiotics is taking a pill. Guys, I hate taking pills. I thought at some point in my adulthood I would get over this, and while I'm closing in on 35 years old, the feeling that I hate when I take pills have never gone away. So I can appreciate products like this that are easy to take like the Kyo-Dophilus Pro+ Synbiotic! It is a chewable!

The Kyo-Dophilus Pro+ Synbiotic is recommended to take at the same time every day. This is easier because it is a chewable (for me anyways) and it doesn’t matter if you take it with or without food. It also does not require refrigeration, which all make it easy to add to a daily routine. The berry smoothie chewable tablet tastes good and its small, so it was easy for me to take. For instance, I kept these in a nightstand, so you can take it whenever is easy to remember and out of sight for our little kids. The tablets are tasty and a quick addition to my day.

What did I think?

After doing some research, I know that I needed to take Kyo-Dophilus Pro+ Synbiotic regularly for a minimum of two weeks to evaluate the benefits.

While life can get busy, it doesn’t mean you have to compromise on health and good supplements. I am glad that I started taking Kyo-Dophilus Pro+ Synbiotic, and I feel good knowing that I am supporting my body’s digestive and immune system.

It is known that the added fiber may cause gas or bloating for the first few days as your microbiome adjusts, and generally, your body needs 30–60 days to feel the benefits of regular probiotic use. I received a 30-day supply to start out with my partnership with MomsMeet. I recommend if you order it, to go ahead and order a 60 day supply to evaluate it fully.

Kyo-Dophilus® Pro­+ Synbiotic Highlights:

  • Can help maintain good colon health
  • Contains a community of nine different probiotic strains (including The Friendly Trio), 20 billion CFU, and 2 g of prebiotic
  • Packaged in a convenient single-serving packet
  • Relieves occasional digestive discomfort
  • Restores and balances beneficial bacteria
  • Non-GMO and free of soy, gluten, dairy, and artificial colors and flavors

Kyo-Dophilus Pro+ Synbiotic is a brand new product so availability is still in process. Kyo-Dophilus products are found at local natural health food stores and online at Amazon, iherb, and Vitacost. Visit the Kyo-Dophilus Pro+ Synbiotic webpage for the most current information and discover where to snag some for yourself! 

Did you know?

Only 1 in 10 of the 100 trillion cells that make up your body is human DNA, the others are bacteria (fungal, viruses, and other microorganisms). Without bacteria, you wouldn’t exist!

xoxo, Heather

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