Gut Health for This Upcoming Fall

Ah summer... it's over. Sadly. Summer is by far our most wonderful time of the year in the Bahorich household; however, as back-to-school season and fall approaches us, I know we are getting close ot more sweets, more treats, more holidays, and probably more sickness.

Thankfully, probiotics are something that the Bahorich family has been taking for years and we found a great one to try this fall season. If you have never taken a probiotic, they are good bacteria and help you keep a healthy balance in your body. When you are ill, bad bacteria come into your body and begin to increase in numbers. This makes your body feel out of balance very quickly. You need good bacteria, such as a probiotic supplement to fight off the bad bacteria and restore the balance in your body. Once this happens, you start to feel better. This video is really a great explanation for it!

What does good bacteria do in your body?

Good bacteria keeps you feeling healthy and balanced by controlling the inflammation in your body and supporting your immune functions. Good bacteria can also help support the cells that line your gut, helps to break down and absorb medications, helps your body digest food, and creates vitamins. The good bacteria work silently and keep your body healthy around the clock. Good bacteria is a natural part of your body and those who eat a well-balanced diet with a lot of fiber each day, keep their good bacteria at healthy levels.

As we headed into the seasonal months of coughs, sneezes, snot, and more, Bio-Kult is helping us through it!

Why Bio-Kult?

Bio-Kult believes that a healthier, happier quality of life starts with your unique microbiome. Their award-winning range of clinically proven, probiotic strains are specially designed to support your mood, energy, and general health every day. For the last 25 years, Bio-Kult has been at the forefront of developing conversation around the gut and the microbiome. Bio-Kult, is a scientifically developed, advanced multi-strain formulation containing 14 probiotic strains which are proven to survive the high acidity of the stomach. The bacteria in Bio-Kult helps to reestablish and rebalance the gut microflora. Bio-Kult believes that having the confidence to take your everyday health into your own hands is something to be celebrated.

I have tried many probiotic supplements in a quest to find which one is the best. The best probiotic supplement that I have found so far is Bio-Kult.

Bio-Kult Original Multi-Strain Formulation is the UK’s number one probiotic supplement, containing 14 unique probiotic strains for digestive and immune support, and is now available in the US as well. The Bio-Kult line of probiotics has something to help all members of your family.

Since taking Bio-Kult, my family has noticed some significant changes.

  • Improved overall well-being
  • Better digestion, especially after a large meal
  • Less stomach distress while taking an antibiotic

Bio-Kult Original Multi-Strain Formulation has been approved by the Vegetarian Society as a vegetarian product. It is also non-GMO and gluten free. This product has been backed by over 30 clinical trials, which also help me have confidence in the product and brand itself.

You can purchase Bio-Kult Original Multi-Strain Formulation online at, Amazon or Walmart.


xoxo, Heather

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