
Coffee Stoplight by Aschiavo500, via Flickr

One of the more unconventional ways that I am "investing" in my January is by networking. On the surface and at first, it sounded to me like just attending an event after work for some young professionals group or another. I actually attempted to recruit a friend as well -- because I wasn't going to something like that alone... And then I realized that Vegas was happening in January.

No, not a vacation, but a business trip -- with people to network with. So I instantly removed my introvert hat (which is not something I necessarily like to do often, but when necessary) and thought about what our business development team does at work when they are at conferences in their industry. They set up meetings. Intentional meetings to create relationship.

If I was going to be intentional in investing in my career, industry, future business, this was it. So I shoot out a lot of emails and set up a few meetings. I honestly can say that it was out of my comfort zone but I think it will be worth it.

Today is my first day at a Association of Talent and Development event. Something fancy for people who like training and technology. After going to many of conferences on green power, and cogeneration energy, and steam turbines...I am spending my days wandering the halls of e-learnings, story telling, script writing, adult learning, and so much more. Something fancy for me.

So if you happen to find yourself in ATD's TechKnowledge conference this week, feel free to hit me up. I will happily meet with you for 15-20 minutes for a introductory conversation and cannot wait to build a relationship with you. And possibly drink lots of coffee. Happy learning.

photo credit :: Aschiavo500, via Flickr

xoxo, Heather

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