Reflecting on 2023 and Charting the Course for 2024 Goals

In the hazy space between Christmas and New Years, where chaos meets peace, messy intertwines with fresh starts, I found myself reflecting on the rollercoaster that was 2023. It was a year of unexpected twists, work relationships turned upside down, the imminent loss of a grandparent, and the emotional turmoil of navigating the world through the eyes of a neurodivergent five-year-old. The beginning stages of our fostering journey which took an unexpected turn, adding another layer to the messy canvas of life.

Yet, here we are, already diving into 2024, already three weeks late. The tradition of setting goals and choosing a word to guide the year has proven to be a glimmer of hope amidst the chaos. As I weave through the mess of the past, I find inspiration for the journey ahead.

Embracing the Chaos

The chaos of the past year has taught me resilience. It's not about having it all together, but about navigating the storm with grace and courage. As I look forward to 2024, and can weather just the storms of the past few weeks, the chaos has became a catalyst for growth, an essential part of the messy adventure we call life.

2023 Goals: A Mixed Bag of Wins, Progress, and Misses

In the spirit of transparency, I created a list of 23 goals for 2023, along with my One Little Word – a mix of challenging endeavors and simple, impactful shifts. The wins were there, and I celebrate them – from running another 10k to finally trading my 12 year old vehicle to a snazzy mom van. The progress on other goals, like reading, continuing our declutter journey, and traveling, fueled a sense of accomplishment.

Yet, there were misses. Some goals never saw the light of day – we still have not complete a will, and it was technically in 2024 that I knocked off a version of my personal retreat that I dreamed of in 2022. Life, with all its messiness, had different plans for these intentions.

Looking Forward: 2024 Goals

As I venture into 2024, I carry the lessons of 2023 with me. The chaos has shown me the importance of flexibility, self-compassion, and celebrating both wins and misses. Here are some goals for the upcoming year:

  1. Embrace Imperfections:
    Life is messy, and that's okay. Embrace the imperfections, the unexpected twists, and find beauty in the chaos.
  2. Prioritize Connection:
    In a world that sometimes feels disconnected, focus on building and nurturing connections – with family, friends, and the community. Whether through shared experiences, intentional conversations, or acts of kindness, let connection be the heartbeat of 2024.
  3. Navigate Work Boundaries:
    Strive for a healthier work-life balance. Setting firmer boundaries with work allows for more intentional moments with family and self-care.
  4. Foster Creativity:
    Explore new ways to create and express myself. Whether through writing, photography, or other artistic outlets, let creativity be a source of joy and self-discovery.
  5. Celebrate Small Wins:
    Recognize and celebrate the small wins along the way. Life is a journey of progress, not perfection.

Closing Thoughts

As I share the wins, progress, and misses of 2023, I hope it offers a realistic perspective on goal-setting. Nobody has it all together, and that's the beauty of the human experience. As we step into the uncharted territory of 2024, let's embrace the chaos, set intentional goals, and navigate the messy adventure with courage and resilience. Here's to a year of growth, connection, and the beauty found in the space between chaos and fresh starts.

xoxo, Heather

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