The Benefits of Rope Dropping at Disney World

Have you heard of "rope dropping" at Disney World? It's when you arrive at the park before it opens and are let in as soon as the gates open. Trust me, it's worth the early wake-up call!

What is Rope Dropping?

Rope dropping refers to the practice of arriving at the park before it officially opens and waiting for the ropes to drop, allowing guests to enter and start enjoying the attractions. By arriving early, guests can get ahead of the crowds and often enjoy popular rides with minimal wait times.

Why is Rope Dropping Effective?

There are several reasons why rope dropping can be an effective strategy for Disney World guests:

  1. Fewer crowds: By arriving early, guests can beat the crowds that typically arrive later in the day. This can result in shorter wait times and a more pleasant park experience overall.
  2. Cooler temperatures: Arriving early in the morning can also help guests beat the heat. Florida can be hot and humid, especially during the summer months, so starting your park day early can help you avoid the hottest part of the day.
  3. Better photo opportunities: If you're hoping to snap some great photos during your visit, arriving early can be a great strategy. With fewer crowds and cooler temperatures, you'll have a better chance of capturing that perfect shot without having to worry about other guests getting in your way.

By rope dropping, you get to experience some of the park's most popular attractions with minimal wait times. You'll be able to ride your favorite rides without the long lines that typically form later in the day. Plus, you'll have the opportunity to take some great photos without the crowds in the background.

Another benefit of rope dropping is that you'll have more time to explore the park and make the most of your day. With fewer people around in the morning, you'll be able to move around the park more easily and efficiently.


Don't forget breakfast: While you may be eager to get started on your park day, don't forget to eat breakfast! There are several great breakfast options available at Disney World, and starting your day with a good meal can help you power through your park adventures.

Lillie and I went rope dropping last fall. I recommend taking breakfast and snacks to kick off the day right and we hit so many rides and meet-and-greets!

So next time you're planning a trip to Disney World, consider rope dropping. It may require an early wake-up call, but the benefits are worth it! Have you rope dropped before? Let me know in the comments!

xoxo, Heather

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