Discover My Dream Customer with Traffic Secrets

This post is brought to you by our sponsor, “Traffic Secrets: The Underground Playbook for Filling Your Websites and Funnels with Your Dream Customers”. The opinions expressed below are my own. This post may contain affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you.

If you have been around awhile, you probably know that blogging isn't my day job. I started my blog years ago as a hobby, and it has remained a good source of discretionary income for our family that has ebbed and flowed as our life has changed over the years. This little space of the Internet was my way of keeping my passion of writing going as I went from a college student to marriage, buying a house, and now mothering two little ones. We have journeyed together from baseball stadiums across the country to breastfeeding and beyond. And essentially, my little blog has seen a thing or two when it comes to focus areas, purposes, and what we talk about here.

So when I had the opportunity to take the 30 day challenge using Russell Brunson’s book Traffic Secrets: The Underground Playbook for Filling Your Websites and Funnels with Your Dream Customers, I knew I was up for the challenge. I wanted to gain clarity and focus on why I spent my time writing here, and more importantly, why you would want to spend your time reading as well. Good successful bloggers not only write for themselves, but they also write for their readers.

Why Take the 30 Day Challenge

The biggest problem that most writers have isn’t creating an amazing material for people to read; it’s getting their future readers to discover that their blog even exists. I learned in this book that every year, tens of thousands of businesses start and fail because the entrepreneurs don’t understand this one essential skill: the art and science of getting consumers to find you, so of course, I was so excited to learn more.

The book itself is written by Best-Selling Author & CEO of the $100M software company ClickFunnels, Russell Brunson. Russell has built a following of over a million entrepreneurs and has sold hundreds of thousands of copies of his books and popularized the concept of sales funnels, so I knew that the advice he was sharing would fill my website with my dream readers.

Russell Brunson’s book, Traffic Secrets: The Underground Playbook for Filling Your Websites and Funnels with Your Dream Customers, is so easy to read through! I did not want to put it down honestly; however, I knew that if I wanted to actually learn from the book, I needed to slow down. I took bits and parts of the book each day and truly absorbed and thought about the content I was reading. I dove into the activities it provided and really discovered a ton about myself, why I am writing, and how to get my blog out in front of the readers that are interested in my little space of the Internet.

What Traffic Secrets Did I Learn?

Well, I'm glad you asked.

Simply put, traffic for me is people and readers. While I may not be selling a product that people want to purchase, I do want people to see what I write, and if they are interested in what I am writing, then they may buy some of the other things on my blog, like oils and clothing, that I do make commissions on. This book helped me truly think about those people so I can help them narrow in on those people and speak directly to them!

After taking the 30-day challenge with Traffic Secrets, I have a much different way of thinking about my audience that I am trying to reach than I have in the past. I have been able to really narrow down who my readers are and what information I can provide to help them. I also learned that I don't have to create content for people. Instead, I need to find the people that already is looking for my content! This right here was a huge mind shift for me!

I also learned that as a lifestyle blogger, it has been hard for me to have a specific niche over the years. I feel as if everything in my life is available to share; however, for readers, it is confusing to for them to commit to my "brand". This is because it is hard for them to categorize my content in a bucket. I can talk about mothering, or traveling, or oils, or a wellness lifestyle, or home remodeling, or whatever... but this doesn't tell a reader that they go to my blog for "X". This discourages the reader to know when to head my way. As I am reading the book, I am realizing that I do have to find a niche in between all the things I share.

Should I read this book?

This book is written for any person who wants to get traffic, not just specifically for bloggers. It’s written this way that any entrepreneur can use it as a tool to expand their business. So, who is this book for you ask, or more specifically, should you read this book?

  • If you’re an online influencer and you want to gain more followers on your blog or social media platform – you should read this book.
  • If you own a brick and mortar store and want to get more local customers in your door for your products or services– you should read this book.
  • If you have an online website selling a product or service and want to increase your online customers – you should read this book.
  • If you’re in direct sales or part of a multi-level marketing organization – you should read this book.

I honestly can’t think of any type of business or entrepreneur who wouldn’t want to read and learn from Traffic Secrets. It’s so helpful to anybody that wants to grow their business and learn.

I've been sharing everything that I have been learning day-by-day over on Twitter. If you are interested in learning more about what I have learned and discover some of the latest "ah-ha" moments I have had from this book, I highly recommend heading over there!

What to Learn Your Own Traffic Secrets?

Traffic Secrets started shipping out on earlier last month on May 5, but it is actually available right now for FREE on the Traffic Secrets website. You also get a handful of bonuses with the book, including the 30-day challenge that I just finished!

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xoxo, Heather

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