Supporting Your Sleep

A week all about oils, so let’s dive into one of my favorite things, sleep! I love sleep and although it may be easy to say I love sleep too much, it is so crucial for our mental, emotional and physical health! 

Our bodies need sleep to function physically, to make the easy and tough decisions, and to handle the emotions all throughout the day that life can throw at us! But when sleep is hard to come by, it can be frustrating.

I had a great conversation last week with a friend. She said that she longed for the day where she felt rested enough that she never had to use an alarm to wake up! Crazy, right?! But it's really not. Listening to our bodies and going to bed early enough to get a good night's sleep are essential items to alleviating so many other issues in our life that is related to our mental, emotional and physical health.

This probably sounds like a no brainer, but do you diffuse oils every night while you sleep? If not, you are missing out on some great sleep supporting love to your nighttime routine. I love the Desert Mist or Feather the Owl diffuser because it’s lovely and for the intermittent setting. We have the Desert Mist next to our bedside, and Feather in the kids' rooms.

Sleep oils (great in combo together!): 
+ From the Premium Starter kit – Lavender, Frankincense, Valor, Peace & Calming, Stress Away
+ From the Welcome Home kit – Orange, Lavender, Valor, Frankincense
+ Others – Cedarwood, Northern Lights Black Spruce, Vetiver
+ Release – great for when worry is your companion

Diffusing oils isn't the only way to support your nighttime routine. Grabbing your oils and applying them to the bottom of the big toe (the nerve endings that connect to the brain) can really create magical dreams.
+ Pre-made rollers: TranquilRutavala (contains Valerian for more oomph!), Peace & Calming
+ For the DIY'ers: In a 10mL roller, combine a total of 30 drops of any of the oils listed above with fractionated coconut oil. Roll onto feet, big toe, and on the chest and wrists before bed.

xoxo, Heather

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