Delta Children Toy Storage Organizer Review

We are all about organization over here in the Bahorich home. With two kiddos with very different interests, my goal is for every toy to have a "home". Why you may ask? Primarily because I loath the "I can't find..." conversation. We just spent 30 minutes searching for a specific race car over the weekend because it had disappeared from its home. With all of our toys have a home, our kids know what toys are available to play with on what level of our home (we have three including the basement play room) and we also know where all of our toys are at.

As Christmas came this year, I knew that we were heading into the land of "smaller toys". So I quickly snagged this toy bin organizer from Delta Children to solve our influx of toys post-holidays.

The organizer was extremely easy to assemble and only took me about five minutes to put up. All I had to do was screw the poles into the side panels, place the cloth around the poles, and then slip the bins in place. Although this has a wooden frame and metal bars, it is extremely lightweight. I can pick up the entire frame and move it around the room without any issues. It also takes up very little room so finding a place for it was super easy!

This organizer comes with one large bin at the bottom, two medium sized bins in the middle, and three small bins at the very top. Each bin can be removed which makes keeping everything organized a breeze. We opted to allow this bin to be solely Ollie's toy bin. So if her wants to play with his LEGOs or his new Batman motorcycles or his beloved Cars mini racers, he can simply grab the bin with all of his specific toys and put it back once he’s done.

This has seriously cut down on the number of misplaced toys and allows us to keep everything in once place! Ollie is a bit of a organizational lover himself and loves knowing exactly where his toys are and we no longer have to spend 20 minutes searching the toy box for a specific item. He can clearly see all of his toys and grab exactly what he needs. This organizer has made things 10 times easier for all of us! And we love that it is one of the kids favorite movies, The Lion King!

Learn more about this toy organizer or snag one yourself, click here!

xoxo, Heather

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