Shop Small :: Jenny Penny Designs

Thank you, Jenny Penny Designs, for sponsoring this post, part of the 2016 Shop Small Christmas series. I was selected for this opportunity by Jenny Penny Designs; the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

Shop Small :: Jenny Penny

So Ollie is a drooler. A major drooler. I assume it is to be expected as he is cutting teeth and whatnot; however, as winter has began to roll in, his slobber-filled shirts are just downright freezing on his little chest. Thank goodness for shops like Jenny Penny Designs. Jenny Penny Designs creates the most adorable bandana bibs and other baby supplies that have helped out our little man so much.

I also love to be able to accessorize him! When we found out that we were having a boy, I was a little bummed I wasn't going to be able to get in the hair accessory game, but bandana bibs have definitely fulfilled my desire to make our baby boy so cute! Jenny Penny Designs designs so many great things from our adorable bibs to diaper clutches, sensory blankets, burp cloths, teething necklaces, pacifier clips and more! She also has the greatest gifts sets available now for Christmas. Check out her shop over on Etsy and use the code "OLLIE20" for 20% off in the Etsy shop or her website with a minimum order of $10 through December 31st!

Shop Small :: Jenny Penny

Now, here is a little bit more about Jennifer, the owner of Jenny Penny Designs and the history of her shop:

How did you get your shop started?
I have always loved sewing and making things for myself, family and friends. When I had my first baby I knew I wanted to create and make special things for her nursery and for me to carry around than the ordinary store items. I pulled my sewing machine back out of storage and went to work. When my second baby came I had made my own nursing covers, tons of modern burp cloths for him, bibs, tag blankets and toys. The feedback I received from family and friends really boosted my confidence to put my creations out there. In addition to wanting to find a way to work from home to be with my children I worked part time until it became a full time job so I could make that dream come true. I started with local baby boutique stores and the local weekend farmers market. Very soon I had return customers purchasing their items from me in person, online and in the local stores. It was exciting and thrilling. I decided to open an Etsy Shop and here I am at almost 2600 sales in the Etsy Shop!

What is the hardest part of owning a shop?
The hardest part to me is wearing all the hats. When you own your own business as a Wife and Mother you wear a lot of hats. Wife, Mother, Servant of God, Business Owner etc. Running a business yourself means you are the Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Packaging, Mailer, Social Media, PR Rep, Seamstress, Creative Director, Photographer… the list goes on. So balancing being everything for your business and making sure you are there 100% for your Family, God and Friends and finding time to be healthy is the hardest part. Every day is new and different challenges. But it’s so worth it at the end of the day.

What is one thing unique about you?
If you ask my kids, they would say I’m fun. I love having fun with my kids. Whether it’s blowing bubbles, riding our bikes, flying a kite, teaching them to swim, reading with them, I love them to pieces and truly enjoy my kids.

What is the best part of owning a shop?
The very best part is getting to make things. I genuinely love coming up with an idea or plan and then figuring out how to execute it and make it even better the next time. I love fabric and sewing so to be paid to have fun sewing is fantastic. I love seeing photos of customers with their adorable little ones truly enjoying my items. Whether it’s a drool bib catching all that teething drool or a car seat cover to protect them from all those nosey women at Target, it’s so much fun to see something you made with your hands be appreciated.

The other best part is being home for my family. I can go on field trips with them or stay home with them when they are sick. We can go on vacations and visit family. I don’t have to beg a boss to let me have a day or afternoon off. I have a flexible schedule that allows me to be the Wife and Mom I want to be.

How did you get your shop name?
“Jenny Penny” was actually a nickname my Dad’s friend called me. My first name is Jennifer. It used to annoy me when I was younger but when it came to a business name I knew it would click and customers would remember it. I wanted to leave it broad so I could change and expand so I added “Designs” to the end and Voila! Jenny Penny Designs. When I first started it I had everything .99 cents so I could give a penny as change. Silly but it was fun.

What is one way that you keep organized?
Who said I was organized? Haha. My husband would completely disagree. Etsy’s Apps are the only reason I stay organized on orders. They are so wonderful about timeframes. They make it easy to see and stay on top of it. In my sewing room I have lots of shelves. LOTS of shelves. For fabric, my sewing notions, supplies, shipping materials and a few extra prints I love that inspire me. If my sewing room isn’t tidy then I am most likely insanely busy and somehow managing to know where everything is. One of those chaotic messes most of the week. On the weekends or when company comes it gets all tidy again. A schedule helps me too. I know the first hour after dropping kids off at school is my exercise time. Then I shower, get my day started answering emails and planning which orders to make. I finish work by 3:30pm and drop off orders at the post office then pick up my kids. A schedule is the world to me. Hand write one, use an app, but get it down somewhere.

How do you balance family life and work life?
To be honest, some days I do and some days I don’t. I pray a lot. I prioritize each day depending on what’s going on. When I first started I felt like I worked ALL the time. I answered Etsy Conversations in the wee hours of the morning or on the weekend. Then you learn it can wait. You have to keep your sanity. If you lose a sale because you decided to be with your family or sleep all night, oh well. It wasn’t worth it. Again this is where a schedule comes in. I know each day laundry has to be done, my Bible reading needs to be read, housework has to be done, dinner has to be cooked, lunch boxes have to be packed. I have a routine and schedule and that cuts back on extra stresses.

Each day is different. Some days it’s a field trip or a sick kid has to stay home. Those days and my weekends are completely devoted to my kids. Each afternoon is homework and their time. They know this too. I work during their school hours. If I have to work extra then I cram it in during a weekday or occasionally in the evenings after they have gone to bed. But I do my best to make sure my evenings are for my husband. That’s our time to relax and get to talk, uninterrupted, watch one of our favorite shows on Netflix or sometimes just go to bed early. Anyone who is a parent knows some days are spectacular and you did it all somehow. Celebrate and go to bed happy those days. Others, just remember you did the best job you could and go to bed content remembering everyone was well fed, clean, and peacefully asleep and celebrate those successes too. Balance will always be different for each person, each family. Find what works for you and makes you happy and satisfied.

Check out Jenny Penny Designs soon as her cut off for Christmas items are just around the corner. Or even better, know a pregnant girlfriend that will be having a baby soon? Stock up for those spring baby showers now!

Shop Small :: Jenny Penny

xoxo, Heather

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