Five Essential Things to Pack for the Hospital

Thank you, Milk + Baby, for sponsoring this post. I was selected for this opportunity by Milk + Baby; the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

Hospital Packing Essentials

As I mentioned in Ollie's Birth Story, our first few days were rocky. Nothing went very according to plan, but all the same, we made it home with a perfect, healthy, beautiful baby boy. I wanted to take a moment and point out my top five things that I actually used -- and used a lot -- during my hospital stay. We definitely overpacked on some things, and didn't pack enough on others (like super loose fitting pajama pants) since our stay was extended longer than planned.

When I shared what we packed in our hospital bags pre-birth, I knew that every labor is different; however, these five things I would have to say are pretty non-negotiable.

  • Boppy :: I used this thing (and still do) with basically every feeding. Although I am typically a fairly reserved person, in the hospital I did not have the energy to worry about what nurse or doctor saw me nursing and with Ollie so sick at the beginning, our visitors were short and spaced out enough where I did not need my nursing cover. The Boppy though, it was a necessity.
  • Mittens :: With IV's, Bili lights, and the works, there were so many things that Ollie scratched his little face with. He had plenty of rashes and bumps from the trauma of labor and delivery that our mittens were super helpful to not add anything to the already red skin.
  • Hospital Gown :: The amount of compliments that I received with my Milk + Baby nursing gown from the nurses alone was amazing! Knowing what I know now... and how long I would want to live in a hospital gown, I would have probably worn this cute thing post-delivery, and one of the hospital gowns during the messy part. However, now that we are home, the nursing gown is clean and next time I know that I could delivery Ollie's brother or sister in the same gown. How cool is that!?
  • Nursing Pajamas :: Again, our post-delivery was messy so I did not actually wear anything "cute" after birth. There were IV's in our little guy and myself, along with blood being taken every few hours... and I just felt gross for a while. Standard dark nursing tops and easily accessible tank tops were what I lived in.
  • Car Seat :: Obviously, you have to get them home somehow. 🙂
xoxo, Heather

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