week 23 bumpdate

Week 23_Corn

Week 23 Bumpdate

size of the baby :: Ear of Corn

total weight gain :: 10 pounds... yikes.

gender :: Boy!

maternity clothes :: I went on a major shopping spree this past week. And by shopping spree, I mean I bought clearance clothes from Walmart and Old Navy online. I occurred to me sometime last week that I need to prep a bit for our upcoming Florida trip... and the week of the trip, I'm not going to be able to run into the store and just pick out something that screams beach! Not this early in the season... So I resorted to online shopping. I'm glad I did too, because most of their arrival dates aren't until super close to our vacation.

movement :: Tons. He's bouncing around like a little ball making sure I know he's in there.

sleep :: It's really hit and miss. I didn't do well most of the week, but then had a great day.. and then another bad one... and another good one.

missing :: Regular clothes. Target is killing me. All of their bathing suits and spring clothes. I want it all and know deep down that I cannot fit into any of it. I guess it comes with the territory, but still. It's sad.

craving :: Ice cream. Every day. I actually did not really remember that ice cream was a stereotypical pregnancy craving until Dusty reminded me. I thought I had just rediscovered my love for chocolate ice cream cones from Dairy Queen.

symptoms :: I went for a walk yesterday and had some major side pains. They quit after awhile but I felt sort of sore the rest of the day from them. Nothing really before that or since then though.

duston is :: Ripping up carpet this week. The nursery is painted from ceiling to baseboards. Spare bedroom done. Now he's onto painting the bonus room and ripping up the nasty 20+ year old carpet so our boy won't have grossness to crawl on!

looking forward to :: This week. My parents are coming up for two reasons. 1) To help us figure out how to paint our 10 foot vaulted master bedroom ceilings and tackle our stairwell. I know it will probably not all get done, but the remodeling is nearing completion. 2) Baby registry appointments! I figure baby registry appointments are like bridal shows for babies. You don't have to do them, but they are something fun that you can do. You sign up, get a free gift, and have set aside time to research!

best moments :: This past weekend was full of bridal showers, leadership meetings at church, and just a great time to be within the community. The weather was the BEST and we really enjoyed ourselves.

xoxo, Heather

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