My Goals for 2018: How I Plan to Nourish My Life

Picking "a word to 2018" isn't just about doing it and never looking back. It's about planning, goal setting, and following up on progress. I have learned a lot about goal setting and little-by-little progression, and maybe I will try and share that one day, but today I wanted to just share a bit on my 2018 goals and how I plan to nourish my life in the year going forward.

I have spent a ton of time on these and although I am sure they will alter and adjust throughout the year as our family grows and molds into something new with the addition of our little girl in March, I can confidently say that this is some good goals to cultivate what matters for me in the coming year.

It is not about perfection, but progression. And honestly, this is going to shock you coming from me (especially if you know me personally), it is not about completion, but cultivation. It is not a checklist but something to always grow in grace.


We have been learned a lot over the years about our finances and how our backgrounds and upbringings have taught us about communication around money. We can budget and have finance meetings until we are blue in the face; however, at the end of the day, we are still the typical American family that has too much student loan debt. We are determined to figure it out. Along with that, we know that adding a new baby into the mix adds pressure on our pocketbooks. We are starting the Dave Ramsey's Financial Freedom classes at the end of the month to educate ourselves even further on the matter and we cannot be more excited about it. I know this will make a huge impact on the things we want to invest in in the future and can also reduce our need to work more if we are simply saving more.


This is directly in line with my word for the year. I want to nourish my own soul, body, and mind. I do not feel like I can give well if my spirit is not being filled as well. I need to step back, say "no" more and devote time to myself.


This is really referring to you all. My blog and my Young Living business. Over the past year, I have strayed in and out of a regular routine of writing, started (and stopped) a t-shirt business, invested heavily on educating myself around essential oils, crafted for the sole purpose of selling, and many other things. It has caused a lack of direction and focus. More so, it does not allow me to focus deeply on one thing and watch it grow. I know that to help with our finances, we will need to bring in some extra income and although I never want to blog only to produce a financial gain, I want to be honest with you as well. Part of successful blogging involves compensation, and if I can focus on this and educating others around oils, we are praying that we will be blessed in these areas.


This really speaks back again to my word of the year, with a focus on health and nutrition. Work outs need to find root as we add another baby into our family and I want to be strong throughout my pregnancy and postpartum journey. Additionally, this highlights the need to dive deeply in His Word, study more, read more, listen more. The regular routine of this I believe is key as we create new habits for nourishment.


Dusty and I have learned a lot about our marriage in the past 5 years; and one thing is for sure, we need time together. The more time we spend together, the better we communicate and function like a team. When Ollie was born, we were in a great routine of date nights, family days, "get-stuff-done" days, sabbaths, etc. All of these days helped us thrive throughout the week. However, it has been really clear that 2017 did not always include these things and have added stress and anxiety to our marriage. We want to take a step back, invest in our marriage more, and understand when it is important to do so.


We have spent the past three years attending a church a few towns away. We love our church community and friendships that have formed through it. Thankfully though, we have landed on hosting a local community in our home for the past several months now on a weekly basis from that church. Folks that all travel 20 minutes on Sunday morning, but live their day-to-day lives in the surrounding neighborhoods. Because of this, it is now time for us to take more root in our hometown and local events. We have spent months and months traveling to other town's festivals, parades, and concerts to be present in somebody else's community and we cannot wait to see what it looks like to take root in our own.


This is the one that is so unclear to me because I just do not know what it looks like. How do we continue to invest in our own nourishment while raising a toddler and a newborn? How do we flourish in our marriage when two littles need us so much? I know the answer will come with the birth of our baby girl, but there is so many unanswered questions.


Again, I do not know what this looks like at all. I have failed in the friendship department the last few years. I have tried to connect with ladies that on paper should be my friends because of social communities or expectancies. These ladies are great but their lives are in another community, each living too far away to just "drop by" on a weekly basis. Their jobs are different, allowing them to enjoy Wednesday morning brunch while I'm sitting in my home office working. They see each other at the grocery store and the library and make Friday night movie plans. And here I am, trying with all of my effort to connect, but falling short. I do not say this to talk badly about any of them, because I honestly LOVE these girls; however, I need a few friendships that give me life, do not give me a false sense of deep connection and then allow me to feel disappoint. I, unfortunately, have put some real friends on the back burner thinking that the friendships I was investing in would replace, and it hasn't. So, I am praying about who God wanted me to invest in in 2018 and felt Him leading me to 2 friends, one known and one unknown, and we will see what this year brings.


I'm a do-er and a tasker, which has lead me to why I feel like others needs are usually more important than my own. However, as I have repeated a few times now, it has left me feeling depleted and malnourished. So I plan in learning more over the coming year. As a learning professional by trade, you would think this would come easier to me but it honestly requires habits and persistence. Reading more. Creating more. Writing more. All of these things will not only help fill my soul but keep me relevant in my career and passions.


I tend to find myself busy, far too busy. Part of my nourishment is scheduling in 2018 quiet times for listening, reading, creating, writing, and reflection and enjoying the silence.

xoxo, Heather

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