Surviving Your First Trimester with Sea-Band Mama

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Surviving the First Trimester with Sea-Band Mama

It’s hard to believe that my baby boy is 15 months old. I’m trying to come to terms that he is basically now a toddler now and exploring his independence. It seems like just yesterday I was struggling with pregnancy whoas.

If you’ve ever been pregnant before, chances are, you may have had to deal with pain of nausea throughout your pregnancy. Thankfully with Ollie, I had very little morning sickness. However, I did deal with it from time to time when I drank my morning coffee too fast or a certain smell would hit me. I didn't really throw up any, but in those moments, I had a constant feeling of nausea. Thankful, I had Sea-Band Mama! by my side during pregnancy. Sea-Band Mama! is the leading brand in morning sickness relief, and you can relieve your nausea in a safe and natural way. The Sea-Band Mama! has been specially created to help soothe and calm your tummy during pregnancy so that you can start enjoying this special time again.

A Little Bit More about Sea-Band Mama!

Sea-Band is a knitted elasticated wrist band, which operates by applying pressure on the Nei Kuan acupressure point on each wrist by means of a plastic stud. The bands can be worn on each wrist whenever you feel nauseous. It is recommended by midwives and pregnant women around the world, and the Sea-Band Mama! acupressure wrist band provides a natural choice for effective morning sickness relief. And even more recently, JAMA (Journal of American Medical Association) recommended acupressure and Ginger as solutions to relieve morning sickness. An Italian study has also found that morning sickness was reduced in 70% of women who used Sea-Band acupressure bands.

Surviving the First Trimester with Sea-Band Mama

They also make a Sea-Band Mama! Ginger and Spearmint Roller, which uses concentrated plant extracts in the form of essential oils. Aromatherapy is well known for relaxation as well as the relief of many ailments and the inhalation of essential oils stimulates the body’s olfactory system, transferring a signal to the limbic system thus triggering the release of natural chemicals that relieve tummy upset. It is a blend of Lime, Spearmint, and Ginger essential oils that have been diluted and hand blended into this unique roller. To use the roller, simply apply to your wrists, temples or chest in the morning or as required and feel the calming and settling properties take effect. It smells so great.

Surviving the First Trimester with Sea-Band Mama

Lastly, Sea-Band Mama! now has Ginger Lozenges! Natural ginger has been used for thousands of years in Chinese medicine to counteract the pain associated with stomach upsets. By stimulating the production of digestive juices, it acts quickly to neutralise stomach acids and soothe tender tummies. A sick momma should take one lozenge in the morning or whenever required throughout the day (not exceeding 10 per day).

Sea-Band also makes bands for travel and motion sickness that work really similarly to eliminate the nausea feeling from boat, train, and automobiles!

Surviving the First Trimester with Sea-Band Mama

Surviving the First Trimester with Sea-Band Mama

Where to Purchase

Sea-Band Mama! is available to purchase at CVS pharmacy, Rite Aid, Walgreens, Walmart, Target, and many other drug stores and pharmacies. To find Sea-Band Mama! in your area, visit: for the full list of locations.

Surviving the First Trimester with Sea-Band Mama

xoxo, Heather

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